The mgame (Mochi Game Engine) is a simple, light weight framework for the HTML5 canvas, coded in Javascript, and the engine itself doesn't use any additional Javascript framework. It supports multiple layers of parallax (in front and/or behind the main layer), sprite drawing, an animation system, a tile based gravity and ground walking system (with sloped surfaces) and a simple bounding boxes collision system using sweep and prune.
Project Mochi was kind of a playground test project that my friend Marc Robledo and I had the last year of college (it hadn't a form and a name yet) and continued as a side project some years after I graduated. The Mochi engine was the first serious thing that we did, first to honey our skills, and also to understand better what a game engine is made of. You don't completely know how a thing works until you try to do it yourself, and I thing that this project not only opened some professional doors, but also helped shape me as who I am today. It was what made me realize that I wanted to create video games for a living.
The demo of the engine is an extract of the other motivation for it, to make an actual game. It was called 'Hyper Dracula II Turbo', and wanted to be a fond way of making fun of the late 80's and 90's video games. A moody post adolescent version of Kid Dracula comes back to some iteration of his father's castle. He just wants to meet him and make up for lost father and son time, but no one believes him and everyone tries to kill him anyway. With simple but funny dialogues and references to games like Castelvania, Metroid, Megaman, Street Fighter or Metal Slug, to list some of them, the player was intended to revisit some cliches and industry standards of our childhood in a nostalgic trip. Unfortunately, our professional careers got in the way and the project ended up unpublished.