Electrical Diagnosis (facebook link) was commissioned by Volkswagen Group UK with the objective of engaging the students of their LEAP course with the same name. The Electrical Diagnosis course had a 30% completion rate, and they wanted something that could increase that percentage to at least 70%. I'm very proud to say that after the game launched in 2016 in their e-learning platform as a mandatory part of the curricula, that course went up to a 98% of completion, with a great reception from both students and management. Unfortunately the game is a web app only accessible to the students of the LEAP educational platform.
The directors at the LEAP complained about the low rate of completion of some of the subjects, mainly because the time lapse from when the students took the course to the date when they actually assisted to the official test could be between 3 and 6 months.
I was hired as game designer and senior programmer in the Design Team of the Content Factory department in GEC - Grupo Hedima. Side by side with the didactic director and the technical trainers in Volkswagen Group National Learning Centre in UK, my responsibility was to design a game that kept them engaged with the course long enough to fill that big time gap, but that was close enough to the didactic content to act as a reminder of their knowledge about the subject. Also I had to help the project leader, Carlos Lopez de Pablo, to design the framework that would enclose the game in the e-learning web platform using my experience with browser game engines.
The game consisted of different mechanics over simplified or real circuits, like highlighting circuit sections, wires or components, dragging the correct components to the circuits, relating real elements with their international symbol or answering 3 option questions related to a circuit. After every tier of levels there was an additional level called 'Investigate' that consisted of different videos about a specific real electrical diagnosis task, filmed at the VWG National Learning Centre. The player had to make a decision after every video section about what to do next, that loaded a different video section depending on what he chose. It was a branching decision tree that rewarded a different score depending on the path that the player had taken.